How To Add Footer In Word

In this video, you’ll learn the basics of working with headers and footers in Word 2019, Word 2016, and Office 365. Visit Place your cursor on the next page. Select the 'Insert' tab then click 'Header' in the 'Header & Footer' portion of the Ribbon. Step 4 Select 'Edit Header' near the bottom of the drop-down menu. Insert a header or footer Select Insert Header or Footer. Select one of the built in designs. Type the text you want in the header or footer. To insert a page number into your footer, type the word “Page” into the text of the footer. Then go to the “Insert” tab. Click “page numbers” and the page numbers should automatically paginate your document. Then you can close the header and you will be finished. For example: Writing ExplainedHow to Add a FooterPage 1. You can basically add the filename to any section of your document but adding it to the header or the footer will enable you to make it appear on all pages throughout the document. To edit your header or footer, go to InsertEdit Header or InsertEdit Footer respectively. You’ll now see that the design tab at the top is highlighted.

Topics Map > Office 365 > Word

When different parts of your document call for different layouts, create sections with their own headers and footers.

Add a section break

  1. Place the pointer where you want to start a new section.

  2. Select Layout > Breaks.

  3. Select the type of section break you want.

Add or edit headers

  1. To change a header, scroll to the top of a page and double-click the header.

  2. Under the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, select where and how you want your header to appear in the document:

    • Different First Page

    • Different Odd & Even Pages

    • Show Document Text

  3. If you'd like to link to a previous section of the document, select Link to Previous.

  4. Type your text into the header.

Want more?

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Keywords:microsoft word document section header footer office 365 addSuggest keywordsDoc ID:79527
Owner:John B.Group:New Mexico State University
Created:2018-01-22 10:26 MDTUpdated:2018-05-23 14:23 MDT
Sites:New Mexico State University
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