Evernote Without Account
After trying to work with Google Tasks for a year, I gave up. Mostly due to the UI. So I exported my Google Tasks to CSV files and then imported them to Excel.
Besides the Evernote-specific options, Evernote for Linux offers options to toggle the sidebar, use light / dark mode, and there's also an Evernote tray icon that only allows you to open a quick note (even though the entry is called Open Evernote), without the ability to minimize Evernote. To deactivate your account, follow the steps below. Sign in to your account settings. Click Account Status from the left-side navigation menu. Click the blue 'Deactivate your Evernote account' link. Check the acknowledgement box and click Deactivate account. When your account is deactivated, you will be logged out of Evernote, and your account will no longer be usable. You will not be able to create.
Evernote Without Account Example
Evernote Note Management
I have heard good things about Evernote and gave the free account a try. It looks like the non-premium version should have all I need to work with. Now it was time to import my CSV / Excel file. I found that there is no clean import from a CSV file with the free account.
Excel Macro to Auto Build Evernote Special Formatted .ENEX files
After studying the import / export options, I realized that the Evernote .ENEX file format is a structured XML file. So I exported one out of Evernote, studied its format, and then created my own Excel Macro to get my data into .ENEX files so they could be cleanly imported.
Click here to download the Excel file with sample data and the Excel Macro.
I wrote this macro with Excel 2003. You will need to turn on Excel Macros (modify security settings) so you too can run it. And you will need to tweak the path name and other program references to fit your data. You should see that the simple program is very readable.
Evernote Without Account Number
Once you have your data exported as enumerated .enex files, use Evernote’s Import Folders feature to “suck them in” to the system. I used tags to distinguish different types. Once the notes are in Evernote, it is easy to move them around.
Evernote Without Account Definition
Let me know if you find it useful. If so, feel free to contribute to my Bitcoin address here: 1ByVdZAP13TFfeKaX2pAAdcWwAAAoKjpNb